Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Federalist Paper #10

Basically, the Federalist paper number 10 talks about faction. The WHOLE thing repeats the word "faction" about 100 times, so i figured there must be some importance to the meaning of the word. A faction is any group of citizens who come together with similar passions and ideas who work hard to revise the rights of the citizens. The Republican government didn't want these factions to be coming together because they didn't want that little bit of people to come together and make a big group of people. Then it talks about the union and how it is better for promoting commerce and the overall general wealth of the new country, especially in the competition against Britain.

This document was honestly the longest, most drawn out document I have ever read in my history of history classes. I truely cannot get over how many times faction was used. The document was repetitively repetitive. So, does this document deserve to be in the top ten documents of the the Federalist papers? Obviously, it was put as one of the tops for a reason, so I think that it does deserve to be in the top ten. The Federalists who wrote this one spent a lot of time on this document, making sure to get their point across. Factions are bad, the union if good, end of story.