Monday, November 12, 2007

Did the Election of 1828 Represent a Democratic Revolt of the People?

I do believe that the 1828 election represented a democratice revolt from the people. Many things were going on that would support this statement. For instance, the supporters started to get into the political technique of slander, which they thought would help out Jackson. But in reality, democracy is not about winning by calling people names, it is about fairness and justness. There were also many things that Jackson had done in his past life that would not look good on a resume, especially for the Presidency of the United States. After Jackson gained Presidency, he was more overwhelmed than happy. He didn't really know where to start and it didn't help at all that his wife died quite previously. Jackson had a hard time, and the supporters probably realized that and without knowing it, they strayed away from the Democractic ways a smidge.